Understanding Dispatch's Distributed Checkout Tech

Most of us navigate our days, jobs, and commutes amid a digital tempest of app notifications, dings, pings, and scrolling. Everything, in this environment, is competing for our attention at once, and it all must be instant, down to how we shop. Even the most zen among us get exasperated when a page takes more than two seconds to load; even the most laser-focused can get sidetracked by a shiny headline or an Instagram reel for an easy sheet-pan dinner.

Because of this, online shopping isn't just about clicking "buy" anymore. It's about ensuring that the journey to order confirmation is straightforward and can happen as soon as a user comes across a product they want.

Dispatch’s distributed commerce technology ties up the remaining loose ends that linger in the modern online checkout experience, catering to our collective need for speed and simplicity.

Our checkout functionality allows shoppers to buy in more places online, removing barriers like pop-up windows and redirects to other websites, that can lead to abandoned carts. Below, we break down why distributed commerce matters and how our checkout supports it.

Traditional Checkout vs. Distributed Checkout

When you think of a typical checkout experience, it usually involves being redirected from one environment to another.

Let’s look at the typical stages of the process:

1. Discovery: The user finds a product they're interested in, whether they’re on a merchant’s website or via an ad, search, or other content.

2. Product Details: The user clicks to view more details, read reviews, and see more images or videos.

3. Add to Cart: If the user decides to purchase, they add the product to their cart.

4. Checkout: The user proceeds to the checkout page, where they provide shipping and billing information, or may need to enter account information

5. Payment: The user selects a payment method and completes the purchase.

6. Confirmation: The user receives a confirmation of their order, usually via email or text.

While it’s familiar, the process presents multiple potential drop-off points. Let's look closer at them: 

1. Discovery: The user finds a product they're interested in, whether they’re on merchant’s website or via an ad, search, or other content.

2. Product Details: The user clicks to view more details, read reviews, and see more images or videos.

(Redirects: Clicking on a product ad often redirects the user to a new site, disrupting their browsing experience.)

3. Add to Cart: If the user decides to purchase, they add the product to their cart.

4. Checkout: The user proceeds to the checkout page, where they provide shipping and billing information, or may need to enter account information.

(Multiple steps: The process from discovery to purchase involves several steps, each of which can be a potential drop-off point.)

5. Payment: The user selects a payment method and completes the purchase.

(Entering data: Repeatedly entering shipping and billing information, even on sites they’ve used before, can deter users.)

6. Confirmation: The user receives a confirmation of their order, usually via email or text.

Dispatch's checkout process.

Dispatch’s Distributed Checkout

In contrast, Dispatch’s distributed checkout streamlines this journey significantly. Our system allows users to stay in their current digital environment when they encounter a 'buy now' button, on a display ad, for example, enabling immediate purchases without redirecting them elsewhere.

Here’s how the Dispatch checkout process is streamlined:

1. Discovery: The user finds a product they're interested in while they’re not on a merchant’s website, but via an ad or affiliate marketing blog, and with a “buy now” button

2. Checkout: The user checks out within the ad or where they discovered the product

3. Confirmation: The user receives the same confirmation order, usually via email or text, through their ecommerce platform that they would have gotten when checking out on the merchant’s website.

The Dispatch checkout is notably more streamlined than a traditional ecommerce UX, eliminating redirects. Users can discover a product and proceed to checkout almost instantaneously, all within the same digital environment.

Using Software Development Kits (SDKs), we’re able to adapt the shopping experience across various digital platforms to keep the user where they are and reduce those traditional frictions that make online shopping as seamless as possible. This also opens the door to more sales channels, from shopping via social media ads to immersive virtual worlds or smart TVs, Dispatch is built for scaling and reach as e-commerce continues to evolve.

Simplifying Multi-Channel Sales

One of the challenges brands face is managing inventory across multiple sales channels. Dispatch.co solves this by extending a merchant or marketer’s existing e-commerce platform or technology, whether that’s Shopify, Salesforce, or Adobe.

In addition to seamless integration with current technology, Dispatch can be integrated into existing ad creative. This helps ensure that the checkout process retains the look and feel of your brand, giving a consistent experience to customers and without feeling like an intrusive new tool for you.

The integration isn't just about aesthetics; it also brings the practical advantage of rapid data processing. As transactions are processed instantly, inventory levels are updated, reducing the chances of overselling, stock discrepancies, and the need for segregated stock for specific platforms.

It’s All About Context

We understand the power of context in marketing, ensuring that brands can capitalize on consumer intent right where it's sparked. Whether it's an ad or a publisher’s roundup of the 10 best sheet-pan dinners and ingredients you’ll need from Instacart, our checkout tech ensures a smooth transition from interest to purchase.

Our one-to-many approach sets us apart. Instead of limiting brands to specific channels, our checkout offers flexibility and control, ensuring that brands can reach their audience in more places on the internet.

Get more information about Dispatch, including client case studies, demos, or contact our sales team, on our homepage, here.